Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Another tragic story of an athlete being stupid.

Okay, two of them, actually. First, let's address JJ Redick. Dude, you are about to be a first round draft pick, why are you driving drunk? Okay, from the reports, you only blew a .11, which really isn't bad. JJ could have had three beers, and he may be screwed there. And seeing as he has a reputation of being able to put them down, as we all could in college, he probably really was good to drive. I honestly mean that, and believe it's possible. It's my main issue with the DWI laws that put so much weight on your blood/alcohol level. Look, my dad weighs like 276 pounds, while I load up a measly 165. I can drink like 8 beers and still be pretty much in control of myself. Would I drive after 8 beers, no. Not because I am worried it's not safe, but because I know I would blow through the roof. My dad, on the other hand, can drink two beers, and be tipsy as all get out. See what I am saying? However, JJ made a very dumb mistake. You never, and the Great One means EVER pull a uey before a check point. You just lost any hope of talking your way out of it, dude. Stupid ass. When I was JJ's age, yes, I drank and drove quite a bit, and I'm not ashamed to say so. I was lucky to get through those years clean as a whistle, however. I was also smart enough to look out for what I was doing, and make the right moves. It's no coincidence. I have friends who were busted for passing out behind the wheel. Not while driving, while parked, but they were still dumb enough to do it. Me? Never caught. I was a 22 year old dumbass, for crying out loud, but I won't be a hypocrite now, and kill him for doing what I did hundreds of times. I will kill him for being stupid, though. A uey? Are you fucking serious? How did this dumbass make it through Duke? I want a full investigation launched into THAT!!

Then we have Big Ben. Dude, I am so sorry for what you are going through now. Would a helmet have helped him out, you're damned right. Would it have saved him all of this? Eh, I don't know, but it couldn't have hurt. He learned his lesson the hard way, though, and my thoughts are with him. I won't kill him for this, but if it were to happen a 2nd time, I would throttle him. Remember, he's a 22 year old kid, who just won the Super Bowl, and is set for life. Of course he feels invincible. Wouldn't all of us? Best of luck to him and his.

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