Monday, November 20, 2006

Phone Lines are Ringing Off the Hook Today - Updated

(I am going to update my list of people expecting phone calls as they come in.)

I just got off the phone with Mark May from ESPN. You see, Mark took some heat earlier in the year when he was claiming that our boy Chuckie was on the hot seat. What kind of heat could he possibly have taken for stating what should have been the obvious to all of us? Well, it seems Coach Foulup broke off a call to Mark May, and asked him where he was getting his information from. He told Mark that Chuckie was in absolute zero danger of losing his job this year. I told Mark that no, Coach Foulup had not broken me off a call as of yet, and that I did not expect to receive one. You see, not only am I the most insignificant moron on the internet, but I am not calling for Chuck Amato to be fired. I am calling for Chuck Amato to resign on his own cognizance. A move that would save face for both Amato, and NC State. Pull a Les Robinson, if you will. You remember Les, right Lee? He was a man of dignity and class. He also filled out a red sweater better than anyone not named Bob Knight.

Well if my phone is not ringing, surely that can not be the case for some other guys. The media firestorm is in full effect, and Chuckie is the target of choice at the moment. For good reasons, too. Unfortunately, I don't have time to give the run down on said reasons, but if you frequent my blog, then you most likely frequent Red & White, and our friends over there break down Chuck's ineptitude better than anyone else. So, since time is of the essence, as I have to singlehandedly warn a slew of people about their impending phone calls, I offer you the following list of people who are calling for Chuck's head, in some way, shape, form or fashion.

So while I am not calling for Chuck Amato to be fired, I am absolutely calling for Lee Fowler to be fired. Need I remind everyone of the debacle that was the men's basketball coaching search? Don't worry Lee, we have evaluated your abilities, and have found the perfect position at the University for you. Someone give Lee directions to Fountain please, but we are going to need to see some credentials before we allow you to wear the chef's hat.

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